Drought-Resistant Gardening

Here are a few links to advice on drought-resistant plants and gardening techniques. Please let me know if you have anything to add, links, hints etc – in English, French or German!




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Cut bottom off one of those inevitable large plastic bottles, partly bury it top down behind thirsty plant and fill with water, which goes to roots, not surface.

I have put cloches over young vegetables to keep moisture in. You would think they would fry, but no, it helps.

  1. Install one big central water butt to be filled in early spring (end of February) and pump this water supply to other butts distributed in your garden wherever you need them. You need to collect rain water from your roof ON TIME – empty butts in the middle of summer are useless.
  2. Distribute compost now or in early spring at latest so that it can be soaked with rain water and cover this with a thick layer of mulch. When watering remove mulch in the centre and recover it afterwards to avoid simply watering the mulch instead of the thirsty roots.
    Some communes provide free compost. Sometimes the quality wants watching.
  3. install large umbrellas to supply shade on critical plants.